Friday 7 June 2013

Tulips in June

Tulips- in June!
These beauties are flowering their little hearts out at the moment.
The garden is just bursting into life all over with new flowers opening each day.
Wallflowers- smell lovely

I nearly pulled these 'last years' wallflowers out earlier in the year but decided to leave them dangling over the edge of the raised bed and I am so glad I did.
 The flowers are much better than last year and smell gorgeous.

Hardy geranium

Hardy geraniums are one of my favourites for filling in gaps and covering the ground so the weeds don't. They are so easy to look after with a couple of major haircuts each year being about all they require. I am hopeless on their different names and must get my book out!

Hardy geranium
The veins in the petals, and the stigma and stamens (a little biology revision going on in this house at the moment!!) are so detailed.

And finally, the first of our summer produce...hooray.

Some salad leaves and four lovely radishes!

First of this year's produce- salad leaves and radishes both grown in the green house.In the past I have tried to grow radishes outside and failed miserably as they always seem to get nibbled by something or other.
 So this time I sewed them in an old plastic window box in the greenhouse and they are fab.
 I shall definitely use that method again.

Happy weekend.


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