I have finished the little scrapbuster cushion mentioned in my last post.
I am pleased with the way it came out and it was really fun to do and brilliant for using up little scraps that you just can't bear to throw away. I added a sachet of lavender to the inside aswell.
I am working on a few presents but none ready to show yet. I have also decided that it would be nice to have all red and white cushion covers, as if I haven't got enough to do!!
The tree is now up and as I was getting out the decorations the sun kindly came out so I took them into the garden for a photo shoot.
Firstly some angels that I made about 3 years ago I think. I am a big fan of the blog
Syko, and got my inspiration from Kajsa's lovely angels. I love the look of her new book, Scandinavian Stitches which is definitely on my christmas list!
Then there's the penguins which are even older, about 5 years I think. They were made from a tutorial over at
Molly Chicken. Sadly she doesn't post any more but she was the first blog I ever found.
And then there's the little Angels I made after making some of the Guardian Angels mentioned
here by Hersenzart.
Some lettle felt hearts..
And some ancient felt dangly things with bells on!
I think that will do for now, cushion covers beckon (and the dinner, the urgent bathroom decorating, christmas card writing and numerous other things).
Happy weekend.