I was lucky enough to get this Sue Spargo calendar for Christmas and have been pouring over the pictures ever since, it is just gorgeous. I just wish she lived in the UK or that I had time and resources to pop over to Australia for a workshop!
Anyway, I have been trying to think of an idea for a leaving present for a friend and the result is a bit of a "mash up" (if that term can be used in sewing!), but was inspired by the calendar and is definitely still a work in progress...

I am learning some new embroidery stitches which I found here, but mostly it's just fairly plain and simple stiches but a good chance to play with colours. The bits of applique are felt and the background various bits of cotton and some linen scraps. I think it will end up as a cushion but I'll keep you posted.

This beauty is flowering its socks off on the table and making me very happy. I bought the Amaryllis bulb just before Christmas and the first head has four enormous flowers on it.
And to top it off there is a second shoot just ready to burst into bud when this one fades. Bulbs never cease to amaze me and I hope they never do. There is nothing quite like planting a brown, flaky onion and watching it produce this in just a few weeks.

The garden is very wet and soggy but there are signs of spring around the corner with daffs, hellebores and snow drops all out and this tiny hint of pink on the magnolia promising more to come.
It is so good to see the blue sky behind it but the forecast looks like more grey tomorrow.
I am off to enjoy the sunshine while it is out.
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