This is Bert, a 'beetle bug' from the book 'Softies' which I have mentioned before.
It is a great book for soft toy patterns and this is the 7th type of toy pattern that I have made from the book now.
The pattern was easy to trace and the intructions simple to follow and he took less than an episode of 'New Tricks' on the iplayer to make. The head is blanket, the body one of my favourite Kaffe Fassett fabrics, and the legs are a recycled shirt. He looks particularly at home in the Asters which are in full bloom.
I am still going with the liberated sampler and have now run out of the 'Ten Little Things' fabric. It is looking a bit white at the moment so I think I will try and introduce some colour with the quilting. I wondered about big colourful running stitches like the Kantha quilts from India.Will keep you posted.