Saturday, 31 December 2011

And then there were seven.

Am loving these baskets!
It is surprising how you only need five minutes to sneak away and finish one.
That's my sort of sewing.

Liberated baskets- from Gwn Marston's book 'Liberated Quiltmaking II'

Friday, 30 December 2011

A new book and a bit of time!

We had a great christmas and as we cleared away the temporary campbeds in the study I was able to get my boxes out and have a look at a new book that I got for christmas.

My new book!

I first saw this book last spring on a post over at Blue Elephant Stitches.
 I really loved her liberated baskets and have had the book on my wish list since then.

I love it.
Lots of ideas and a 'liberated' way of doing things that I just think is great.
I started with baskets..

First two baskets

With a background of shirts of course!

Also finished a little pencil case which is a present for a friend..

Pencil case

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Heart decoration

So much for posting this on Christmas Eve!
 I'm afraid the lack of cleaning for the rest of the year caught up on me and the housefull of visitors arriving was enough of an incentive to get cracking.

I managed to finish the wonky star cushion planned for some friends..

Wonky star cushion

Despite there having been loads of berries on the Holly earlier in the year, the birds have obviously been busy and there are only a couple left now..

Wonky star cushion

The back was a simple envelope with a bit of green binding and a button..

Cushion reverse

Love the matching nail varnish!! (Not mine)

Hope you all had a good christmas and wish you a Happy New Year.

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Festive cheer.

I have finished the little scrapbuster cushion mentioned in my last post.


I am pleased with the way it came out and it was really fun to do and brilliant for using up little scraps that you just can't bear to throw away. I added a sachet of lavender to the inside aswell.

I am working on a few presents but none ready to show yet. I have also decided that it would be nice to have all red and white cushion covers, as if I haven't got enough to do!!

The tree is now up and as I was getting out the decorations the sun kindly came out so I took them into the garden for a photo shoot.

Firstly some angels that I made about 3 years ago I think. I am a big fan of the blog Syko, and got my inspiration from Kajsa's lovely angels. I love the look of her new book, Scandinavian Stitches which is definitely on my christmas list!

Angels inspired by ones made by Kajsa from the blog Syko

Then there's the penguins which are even older, about 5 years I think. They were made from a tutorial over at Molly Chicken. Sadly she doesn't post any more but she was the first blog I ever found.

Penguins from tutorial by Molly Chicken

And then there's the little Angels I made after making some of the Guardian Angels mentioned here by Hersenzart.

Little angel tree ornaments inspired by the Guardian Angel by Hersenzart

Some lettle felt hearts..

Felt hearts

And some ancient felt dangly things with bells on!

Jingly felt tree decorations

I think that will do for now, cushion covers beckon (and the dinner, the urgent bathroom decorating, christmas card writing and numerous other things).
Happy weekend.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Is it really December already?!

I have done various bits of sewing in the past two weeks but didn't manage to get any pictures as I was in a bit of a rush, the light was rubbish and the things were all wrapped or given before they were recorded!

This weekend I have managed to get an apron done for a present and am hoping the recipient doesn't read this.

Pocket detail for apron

Light still not great but never mind, you get the gist.

I have also been working on a scrapbuster pillow which I have been meaning to try for ages. The original pattern was in the 2009 Handmade holidays on Sew Mama Sew. I just love their Handmade holidays that they do each November and spend far too much time browsing and not nearly so much time sewing! It starts with putting scraps onto a piece of bondaweb type stuff, but don't do what I did and leave little gaps that then stick a load of gew on the iron!!

The start of a scrap buster pillow from tutorial on Sew Mama Sew (Handmade Holidays 2009 sit back and relax).

I have done a bit of machine applique and decided to start another project at the same time hence the strip at the top. Hopefully the sun will be out by the time the projects are finished as it is tipping with rain right now.

Some applique inprogress

Happy sewing.