Sunday, 29 April 2018

Inspired by Sue Spargo

I love the colourful work of Sue Spargo and have a beautiful 2016 Calendar which is still on the wall two years later as I can't bear to take it down. 
Looking for some hand stitching to do while watching TV now that I have finished the blanket,
 I have been playing with some circles of blanket and old jumpers...

WIP- needle case

Some of the stitches are fairly straight forward but I also found a clip here showing a couple of the more complicated ones.
WIP- needle case
I have my eye on her book of stitches and am planning to drop some hints around my birthday!!
Can't seem to find it anywhere in the UK so it will need to come a long way.

I think this may end up as a needle case as she uses various different needles which she explains in the videos and I will need somewhere to keep them all safely out of harms way. This is particularly important as we are getting a new family member this week in the form of a small chocolate puppy-
 a friend for Tally (we hope!!).