Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Hadley Top number one..

Hadley Top
I have been admiring all the Hadley Tops on Pinterest and Instagram since it came out and took the leap last week, printing out the pages of pattern. The instant access of digital patterns is great and I even quite like the job of cutting and sticking all the A4 sheets together a bit like a jigsaw
- sad I know! 

Hadley Top
The pattern is the latest from Grainline Studio. It comes with great instructions and
there are even tutorials over on her blog if you need extra help.  

Hadley Top
One of my favourite things about this pattern is the dipped hemline at the back
which gives it a lovely shape.
This fabric is a soft, indigo dyed cotton and I used a fine linen for the facings to give it extra shape.  
Hadley Top
Sorry about the indoor photos but the weather is awful here today and I couldn't wait to share it.
Hadley Top number 2 is already cut out from some linen I had in my stash...
Have any of you tried any Hadley's?