Thursday, 24 August 2017

Summer harvests

 We have been away camping and I have done very little sewing over the last few weeks but did take my crochet blanket with us for a bit of relaxing crochet. It has been dragged about a bit and I keep finding bits of grass and undergrowth caught in the stitches but they are easily pulled out.    
I am enjoying the bright summer colours mixed with the more gentle greys and this lovely ripple pattern is an old favourite. Lucy from Attic 24 has a really good pattern on her blog here.  

The apples are starting to drop now and I have been picking them up ready to take to the apple man for pressing. Every year he says that it is getting too much for him  and I just keep hoping that he will still be there next year. It is such a brilliant way to use the apples as there are only so many apple crumbles you can eat! The juice is pasteurised and keeps for ages- makes good Christmas gifts too.  
I don't mind picking up the fallen apples and am always helped by Tally who likes to chew on a few as we go along.

The other harvesting going on around here is lavender. A really good crop and so there should be plenty for making lavender bags once it is dried.  
Hope you are having a good summer too.