Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Spring and things.

Happy Tally
This is a happy Tally.
Another walk along the estuary on a beautiful sunny morning, plus some water and a lot of mud, topped off with a dash of drift wood, all equals one happy dog.  

It was a really quite chilly but the picture makes it look warm with that big expanse of blue sky
 and a few cotton wool clouds.  

drift wood

I love the light at this time of year and can almost feel myself waking up as the days get longer.
It is definitely my favourite time of year.

Tally and a big stick
On the making front, I have finally finished my Moorland Blanket.
Thanks again to Lucy from Attic 24 for such a great pattern.  

Finished Moorland Blanket
I think this may be my favourite blanket so far. The wave pattern of stitches makes such a close weave (if there is such a term in crochet!!) and the result is a really cosy blanket.
And then there's the colours.. 

Moorland Blanket

Sky colours are not my usual choice but in combination with the rest I am a converted person. 

Moorland Blanket
That's better. The right way up.
I would have had a lovely picture of this held out carefully by child number 1, but the risk of using teenagers to do that sort of job is that they use the opportunity to hold up various fingers as well as the blanket!!! And their daft mother doesn't see until she uploads the photo.
So this 'draped in the tree' version will just have to do.   

I think it's Lithodora!
And finally a garden catch up.
This blue is so vivid. I think the plant is Lithodora but don't hold me to that.  

Marguerite daisy
A patch of marguerite daisies that all came from one tiny cutting given to me by a friend about 6 or 7 years ago. I just keep taking more cuttings and planting more because they are so easy to do and look after themselves - my sort of plant.

apple blossom
And its apple blossom time again.
Oh, and new peg bag time...
new peg bag
I hope spring is springing with you too.

Monday, 17 April 2017

Happy Easter

Post box yarnbomb
The little bit of crochet in the last post turned into this - an Easter yarnbomb.
WIP- planning a yarnbomb
The background is the same pattern used for the Moorland blanket by Lucy of Attic 24 found here but using any scraps of green and brown that I had left over from various projects.
The daffodils are also a free pattern on Lucy's blog found here.
The little primula flowers were found here.
My Moorland blanket is nearly there now, just on the border
and will share the finished blanket soon I hope.

We have just returned from a lovely week in the Brecon beacons, walking in the mountains..
Cribyn from pen y Fan
and also taking Tally along the gentler Monmouthshire and Brecon canal..
Monmouthshire and Brecon canal

There hasn't been too much sewing going on but I did manage to finish this
dragonfly skirt for work..  
Dragonfly skirt
This photo doesn't do justice to the lovely indigo dyed cotton fabric
which I found on a trip to Totnes in a great fabric shop called Stone Fabrics.
I will try and get some better pictures when I have time!