The sun was lovely this evening after a pretty wet day and I couldn't resist another photo of the scrappy flags in this light.
As I was taking the pitures it reminded me that the washing line is still propped up in the middle of our garden table where the umbrella usually goes because the base broke - another job to add to the list!!
The pink magnolia (not sure of the species) is now in full flower.
Beautiful against the blue sky,
as is this cherry blossom I think.
We have a patch of wild garlic under a holly bush.
I suppose it's a weed really but it's so pretty and is quite good at covering the ground and keeping the weeds down so I like it.
I suppose it's a weed really but it's so pretty and is quite good at covering the ground and keeping the weeds down so I like it.
I got this picture and it wasn't until I saw it on the computer that I realised there was a tiny snail and a fly on the picture too!
And finally the daisies.
We have about 5 or 6 big clumps of these now and they all come from a tiny cutting supplied by a friend a few years ago.
Again I'm afraid I'm not sure of the plant name but I will ask her if she knows.
They are a perennial and just flower their hearts out at this time of year and well into the summer.