Saturday, 30 March 2013

Yellow sunshine

The sun is out and I have been baking this morning.
Lemon Polenta cake from a recipe here.
Polenta cake
 I added lemon curd to the top as we are looking after some chickens and have lots of eggs at the moment.

Polenta cake
Haven't tasted it yet but will let you know what it's like.

And there was some lovely lemon curd left over to go on my toast tomorrow (if I hide it!!!).

Lemon curd and sunshine
I'm off to sew.
Have a good easter weekend.

Monday, 25 March 2013

Bad timing..

Not the time of year to be pruning.
I had to prune a magnolia today as some scaffolding is going up.
 It was covered in buds so I kept three bits and put them in a vase with some lilies I was given last week.
I doubt they will flower but the buds are lovely anyway and I don't feel like they have been wasted.

Magnolia Stellata twig which had to be pruned just before it flowered- bad timing- but looks quite nice in a vase with some lilies.

The light isn't great today here but most of my projects I'm working on at the moment aren't finished yet anyway.

Quilt nearly finished..

This quilt is nearly there.
As usual with my quilts it was started a while back now and has sat waiting patiently to be finished. I just have a few more bits of hand quilting to finish so it should be ready next week. 
WIP- not sure what it will be.
And this is a block been playing with this weekend but I am not sure where it is heading yet.
Will let you know.

Have a good week. 

Monday, 18 March 2013

A new table runner for an old box.

Table runner
I finally got around to some sewing again, maybe it was the sun coming out that did it.
We have an old wooden box that used to belong to my grandparents and it sits in the middle of the room, frequently getting things plonked on it. Despite a couple of smaller mats I put on there, the mug marks were starting to show so I decided it needed a runner.
Patchwork detail
I started by making this little piece of patchwork from my scrap box..
Table runner
then added some borders made from a recycled purple shirt.
Then I just went to  work,
 (inspired by these gorgeous beauties that I found recently on flickr by Robin Ferrier)
 on some quilting using my trusty walking foot.
I put off getting a walking foot for ages because of how expensive they are but am now totally converted and wonder how I ever managed without one.
 They allow quilting (without tacking of course!) without the fabric getting all wrinkled up. 
Table runner reverse
I like the back too with all it's patterns and lines.
Where it lives..a wooden box that belonged to my grandparents
And here it is where it lives on top of the box.

Saturday, 16 March 2013

One for pins and one for needles.

One for pins and one for needles
I made the pincushion on the left  a while ago now and it is well used.
It doesn't matter how many times I try and start using a needle case or tin to keep the needles separate, I always end up shoving the needles in the pin cushion.
 Does anyone else have that problem?
So I decided to make a needle cushion that can sit on the table next to the pin cushion and see if that works.
Needle cushion

Will let you know!

Monday, 11 March 2013

The blankets are growing

Still WIP by Textile-tally

It's a bit cold here and not much in the way of sewing going on.
It's more like weather for sitting in front of the log burner and so the blankets are overflowing from the baskets now.