I have been making a purse from the Poppy Treffry book that I mentioned in my last post.
The technique is so brilliantly nifty and a new one on me.
I used a pair of old jeans and my scrap box, and lined it with part of an old skirt..
Unfortunately, although the instructions were generally very clear and easy to follow, there was one diagram that I misinterpreted.
When the purse was finished and looking lovely, I opened it up to find a row of upsidedown bunting under the flap!!!
Not what was planned or what the finished picture in the book showed.
If I had applied my brain a little more I would have worked this out, but because the technique was new to me, I blindly followed the instructions without thinking much at all.
Never mind, this one will have to be for me.
Next time I will be more aware of which bit ends up where and I will definitely be using the pattern again.
Off out for lunch and taking these beauties..
Ginger biscuit base, cream and fromage frais in the middle and a layer of blackcurrant puree.
(Recipe adapted from one in the September Waitrose magazine I was given).
It's very quick and easy - my sort of pudding!